Healthcare is a customer service industry – it demands proactive and transparent interaction between the healthcare providers, lab technicians, patients, and other key players involved. To provide first-rate medical customer service, it’s important to keep an...
Healthcare is a customer service based industry. The industry is vast and so sensitive that even the small interactions between staff and patients matters. After all, people’s life and death depend on the communication and quality of service provided. A...
Healthcare service is a very mandatory and vital one that has been needed by almost every other person in the world. Everyone knows how traumatizing can a healthcare organisation be at times, and how arduously the employees work day and night to meet every patient’s...
Customer service was and is an imperative arm of practically every organization in every sector. Be it the 1900s or 21st century paradigm, the firms and companies around the world always had the realization that everything they do need to be consumer centric. All the...
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