Completing the assessment activity

When a customer submits a new case, NABD automatically assign a case ID and according to the defined workflow, the case is placed in the first activity in the workflow the assessment activity.

The assessment activity will appear in the Activity work queue of the users responsible for the assessment. NABD automatically assigns a case ID number and places the case in "initial assessment."

While the case is in assessment, as an agent, your job is to assess the customer's request and then determine the next steps.

As part of completing the assessment activity in NABD, you can change the task category, case priority, status of the case, and target completion date. You can also attach any supporting documents and route the case to another user, user group, role, etc. Remember to include notes about any actions you have taken while you are assessing the case and if you are finished assessing the case, mark the assessment as completed so the case can move to the next phase of resolution.

To complete the assessment activity in NABD:

  1. Open Case management screen and open Edit case  screen ,Then there are 2 ways to complete the activity

                          Check the check box beside assessment activity

                          You will get the following message and if you click ok assessment activity will be completed


                           Click on assessment link , you will get this popup

  1. On the Case Assessment popup , you are required to review the submitted case and complete any missing information or fix any incorrect information.

    You can also select a confidentiality level .

    Select the assessment action.

    Request more information - Additional information is needed from the customer. An e-mail can be sent to request more information.

    Know issue and force close - Solution is a known issue and the case will be closed.

    Not an issue and force to close - Case is not an issue and will be closed.

    Process the case - Case is a valid request and will be processed.

    Need Budget

    Select the case status from the drop downs.

    Check Yes if you want to hide case information from other users.

    If the case requires compensation, check Yes.

    If the assessment is complete, check the Assessment operation complete box.

    Select the completion date for this activity from the calendar.

    Include a description of the assessment and any impacts and risks if applicable.

  2. If you're done, click Save and close.

    Based on the case product, service, category, priority, and other factors, the case is automatically routed to the next activity in the workflow (e.g., for a standard workflow, the next activity is investigation).